The e-learning platform of Barcelona co-op SLB


A guide to creating transcripts from audio and video (jan24)

A guide to creating transcripts from audio and video (jan24)

When researching target tasks and looking for representative examples, we might search YouTube and similar sources, as Neil did for his airport cancellation task. To properly exploit such a resource, a transcript should be generated. For any audio and video sources, new free and open source software such as Whisper from Open AI does an […]


A guide to creating transcripts from audio and video (jan23)

A guide to creating transcripts from audio and video (jan23)

When researching target tasks and looking for representative examples, we might search YouTube and similar sources, as Neil did for his airport cancellation task. To properly exploit such a resource, a transcript should be generated. For any audio and video sources, new free and open source software such as Whisper from Open AI does an […]


A guide to creating transcripts from YouTube videos

A guide to creating transcripts from YouTube videos

When researching target tasks and looking for representative examples, we might search YouTube and similar sources, as Neil did for his airport cancellation task. To properly exploit such a resource, a transcript should be generated. For YouTube, you can follow the steps below and try this out for yourself. The slides use this video, and […]


A guide to creating transcripts from YouTube videos

A guide to creating transcripts from YouTube videos

When researching target tasks and looking for representative examples, we might search YouTube and similar sources, as Neil did for his airport cancellation task. To properly exploit such a resource, a transcript should be generated. For YouTube, you can follow the steps below and try this out for yourself. The slides use this video, and […]