In this introductory, “taster” session, Geoff Jordan will explain the rationale behind adopting Task-Based Language Teaching in contrast to today’s dominant coursebook-driven methodology, which is based on a synthetic, structural syllabus. The main argument is that a meaning-focused approach like TBLT — with timely switches to focusing on form — is more suited to meeting learners’ needs, and fits better with what we know about how learners learn.
To work through the session activities, click on each step on the left to open the content and navigate between sections. (On mobiles, there will be a drop-down menu to open). At the end, the Output task is a short survey to gauge your interest in taking this course.
These activities serve as an introduction to the course and a taster of what’s to come if you sign up. Further sessions on the course also include collaborative forum tasks, and more involved Output tasks based on an ongoing project: to design a TBLT course for a specific group of learners. For participants opting for full certification, there are tutorials via videoconference, and Output tasks are graded by tutors.