The e-learning platform of Barcelona co-op SLB

About: Neil McMillan

  • Role : Course designer
  • Website :
  • Experience : 18 years
  • Courses Submitted : TBLT: From theory to practice; Glassworks film & video
  • Specialist in : Teacher-training, materials development

Neil is an experienced and versatile teacher of English, in addition to a teacher-trainer, writer and translator. He holds a Diploma in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) as well as a Ph.D in literature from the University of Glasgow, and has over 18 years’ classroom experience working with adults, teenagers and children from all over the world.

A native of Perth, Scotland, Neil worked for several years in public education in Glasgow before running a teacher-training project in Guatemala and finally moving to Barcelona, Spain, where he now lives.

Neil’s current interests include task-based language teaching (TBLT), the development of materials banks to support this and other forms of communicative teaching, and the realtionship between critical theory and ELT. He is the current president of Barcelona cooperative Serveis Lingüístics de Barcelona, and an associate professor at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (the Catalan Open University).

We’re at a critical moment in the ELT industry. The pull towards professionalism, informed practice and continuous development is entirely at odds with the working conditions of many teachers. Something has to give, and cooperativism is one way of future-proofing our ambitions.