TBLT: From theory to practice (Jan 23)
Course orientation (Jan 23)
2 Activities
Orientation presentation (Jan 23)
Frequently asked questions (Jan 23)
Why TBLT? (Jan 23)
5 Activities
1 Output task
The coursebook debate: reading
Why TBLT? Presentation
Acronym acrobatics
Concept check
Introducing the forum
How interested are you in TBLT? (Oct 21)
MODULE 1: Presenting TBLT
How we learn an L2 (20/1/23 – 2/3/23)
4 Activities
Reading on L2 acquisition (jan23)
Try out a pedagogic task (jan23)
Presentation on Long’s cognitive-interactionist theory (jan23)
Key concepts from this session (jan23)
Which TBLT? (3/2/23 – 9/2/23)
4 Activities
Reading and listening on tasks and TBLT types (jan23)
Presentation on TBLT types (jan23)
A guide to creating transcripts from audio and video (jan23)
On the forum: which TBLT for you? (jan23)
Long’s TBLT as a whole (10/2/23 – 23/2/23)
4 Activities
1 Output task
Background reading on Long’s TBLT (jan23)
Presentation on Long’s TBLT as a whole (jan23)
Sequencing Long’s TBLT (jan23)
Forum task: reacting to Long’s TBLT (jan23)
Propose TBLT in a school or institution (jan23)
MODULE 2: Designing a TBLT Needs Analysis
Identifying target tasks (24/2/23 – 9/3/23)
4 Activities
Reading on Needs Analysis (jan23)
Presentation: Identifying target tasks (jan23)
Comprehension check on Identifying Target Tasks (jan23)
Anatomy of a target task (jan23)
NA for tech and LNP* (10/3/23 – 23/3/23)
4 Activities
1 Output task
Background reading & viewing
Presentation: further examples of NA
Extension: a guide to building and searching corpora for NA
On the forum: Investigating a tech-mediated task
Produce a needs analysis outline & instrument (jan23)
Mid-course reflection week
Mulling it over with Mike & Marta (24/3/23 – 30/3/23)
2 Activities
Reflection week listening, reading & viewing (jan23)
On the forum: Brainstorm questions for Marta González-Lloret (jan23)
MODULE 3: Designing a task-based pedagogic unit
Introducing pedagogic task design (14/4/23 – 27/4/23)
4 Activities
Reading on task design (jan23)
Presentation: Introducing pedagogic task design (jan23)
Complete the notes (jan23)
On the forum: From target task to pedagogic task(s) (jan23)
Sequencing pedagogic tasks (28/4/23 – 11/5/23)
5 Activities
1 Output task
Reading on syllabus design (jan23)
Presentation 1: Geoff Jordan on task complexity (jan23)
Presentation 2: Mike Long on syllabus design (jan 23)
Syllabus design pathways (jan23)
On the forum: varying the complexity of a PT (jan23)
Design a task-based pedagogic unit (jan23)
MODULE 4: Making Task-Based Materials
Principles of TBLT material design (12/5/23 – 25/5/23)
3 Activities
Reading on material design (jan23)
Presentation: Principles of task-based materials design (jan23)
Evaluating TBLT materials (jan23)
Materials in Tech-Mediated TBLT (26/5/23 – 8/6/23)
3 Activities
1 Output task
Gallery of tech-mediated materials
Presentation on tech-mediated materials
The H5P sandbox
Design task-based materials (jan23)
Facilitating task performance (9/6/23 – 22/6/23)
3 Activities
Reading & viewing on facilitating task performance
Presentation: Focus on form (jan23)
On the forum: MPs and PPs (jan23)
Task-based assessment (23/6/23-6/7/23)
4 Activities
Reading, viewing & listening on assessment (jan23)
Glenn Fulcher interactive transcript (jan23)
Presentation: TBLT assessment (jan23)
On the forum: the litmus test (jan23)
Course wrap-up (7/7/23-20/7/23)
3 Activities
1 Output task
Wrap-up background reading (jan23)
On the forum: reflect, reject, adapt (jan23)
Evaluate us! (jan23)
Design a task-based assessment (jan23)
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Acronym acrobatics
TBLT: From theory to practice (Jan 23)
Why TBLT? (Jan 23)
Acronym acrobatics
How familiar are you with some of the acronyms Geoff mentioned in the presentation?
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